There are various Electrical prepaid meters that HPS metering can provide, thus our clients will find a solution to their personal needs.
This include, single phase meters, split single phase meters, split three phase meters, bulk meters etc. There are also a unique, one of the kind Smart water meter available that will enable clients to restrict water flow within the legal capacity.
The information generated by our utility solution will enable organizations to implement Revenue enhancement systems to better manage and avoid incorrect usage by employees and over billing on accounts. Clients find comfort through our automated revenue collection solutions available to shopping malls, large office complexes and other corporate and commercial entities.
For effective water management it is imperative that Accurate Water Measurement is assimilated. Using the HPS Metering Utility Solutions allows for the precise management of the all irrigation administrations. Our Complete Utility Solutions will provide the assurance that all water associated flow measuring will be accurate and reliable. Giving our clients total control on consumption and cost efficiency. The information generated by our prepaid solution will enable organizations to implement Revenue Enhancement systems to better manage and avoid incorrect usage by employees and overbilling from suppliers.
The birth of HPS Metering steams from the passion of individuals whom together have more that 50 years of experience in the building and electrical environment. Through the years these individuals identified “gaps” and “short comings” within the industry that inspired them to form and start what is known as HPS Metering. Innovatory passions and a family focused mindset is the key elements of this dynamic company.
The vision of HPS Metering is to become the largest,
most innovative and Utility Metering Solution Company in South Africa.
Identifying the full spectrum of stake holders and designing solutions to their needs HPS Metering is the service supplier of the future. Our legacy will change the way we do pre-paid metering.